Preparing for the unexpected

Below is a beginner’s list of safety tips you can use around your house for everyday use. Safety extends far beyond this list, however, and you should always be looking into new ways of protecting your home.
  • Secure any sliding glass doors.  Putting a steel rod behind the door doesn’t hurt, either.
  • Make sure the exterior of your house is well lit. Burglars will break into houses either through windows or doors, so ensure they’re well lit.
  • Look into a burglar alarm system. They vary in sophistication from a simple door alarm to a silent alarm linked to a law enforcement agency.
  • Lock your windows. Most burglars won’t risk breaking a window for fear of attracting attention. If the burglar sees the windows are locked, he may be discouraged enough to try to find a different way into the house.
These next tips are extensions from the list above. This list differs, however, because it teaches home safety when you, the homeowner, are on vacation or away for an extended time. One thing you can do before you leave for vacation is put yourself in a burglar’s mind. Case your own house. Are the shrubs tall and thick? Can your patio door be moved from its track easily? Do you have locks on your first floor windows? While away for an extended time, remember burglars have extra time to find a way into your house. Take your home safety to a proactive stage, instead of staying reactive.
  • Install automatic timers to turn your house lights on and off. Try to set up the timers in such a way that one light turns off as one turns on. This gives the appearance of movement within the house.
  • Leave a radio playing on low volume. Talk radio is best because it sounds most like conservation.
  • Have a trusted neighbor or family member come in to your house once or twice and move the drapes. This gives a “lived-in” look.
  • Hire someone to mow your lawn while you’re gone to give the yard a well-maintained look.
  • Notify the police when you’ll be out of town so they can send extra patrols past your house while you’re gone.
Your home should be a safe haven for you and your family. And it should be just as safe when you’re not there. Take some time to ensure your home is as safe as it can be. It may never be burglar proof, but steps can always be taken to protect your assets. If you have any questions about your home’s safety, contact your insurance agent or feel free to give us a call at (763) 785-2031. 763-785-2031